Within this blog we give a short update on our efforts for relief for the earthquake victims in Desa Ban. Until now an amount of Rp. 19.366.882,- has been raised consisting of donations made to our Dutch bank account and Indonesian bank account.
We have visited the area on October 19th to evaluate the impact of the earthquake and the needs. With this visit we have donated 4 solar home systems and 110 information books on COVID-19. These items came from general funding and stock. Today (24/10/2021) we are back to the area to deliver 37 waterfilters to people in Jatituhu, in cooperation with the local village level authorities. An amount of 11.100.000 has been spent on purchasing these waterfilters.
An amount of Rp. 8.266.882,- is still available for relief. After todays mission we will evaluate what this amount can be best spent on. As within this mission we are focusing on water, Sustainable Development Goal 6, we are thinking of buying water pipes for this amount (and hopefully more) to give people access to water. The pipes are destroyed by landslides as an effect of the earthquake.
