After our second appeal (first appeal in Januari 2020) last week about the condition of sea turtles in captivity in Kedonganan we are happy to share an update from BPSPL, the Balai Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut who has taken action upon our report.

1. The team of BPSPL conducted a field review (Saturday 15/5) with 1 officer from TCEC Serangan (Mr. Dodik). At the location, the team met with the Chairman of the Management of the Coastal Tourism Area of the Kedonganan (BPKP2K). During the meeting, it was recognized that the turtles and hatchlings referred to were indeed accommodated by BPKP2K. 2. BPKP2KP is an organizational unit that carries out tasks including managing the cleanliness and security of the Kedonganan Coastal Area. 3. Turtles found in the location have an average size of 30-40 cm consisting of: a. 2 Curved turtle tail b. 2 Green Turtle Tails c. 1 Hawksbill turtle tail d. 8 hatchlings 4. The turtles and hatchlings are placed in 2 separate tubs, each measuring 2 x 1 m and fed with trash fish. 5. The 5 turtles are obtained when accidentally entangled by fishermen, while the hatchlings are obtained from the hatching of sea turtles that are around the beach or the results of relocation of nests in the beach front of the BPKP2K office. Even to save the turtle, BPKP2K provided compensation to fishermen in the form of Rp. 500,000. In this way, according to the Chairperson of the organization, who at the same time claimed to be an active police officer (showing the police badge), that they had made an effort to "save" the protected animals. 6. According to the organization's plan, turtles and hatchlings will be released in July at the opening of the Kedonganan beach tourism area after the covid-19 outbreak. 7. Regarding licensing, the deputy chairman of the BPKP2K claimed to have reported and managed the permit / certificate by coming directly to the Bali BKSDA office, but due to the outbreak conditions the letter had not yet come out. 8. The team then suggested that the process that had been going on in BKSDA Bali should be continued so that cases like this would not occur. 9. From monitoring the condition of the turtles and hatchlings, relocation of 2 hatchlings that are in a diseased condition to be treated in TCEC Serangan.
As foundation we will continue to monitor the situation and help BPSPL with reporting back to them.