Remember the turtles in captivity we posted about? Please read to read our post from 15 May. Today we went back for a check up. And we found... empty basins! All turtles have been released, except for two turtles taken to TCEC on the 15th of May for medical care.
The staff showed documentation with photos of the release and a document signed by several members of the local government. We are convinced the turtles have been released, though confused this happend three days after the visit by BKSDA and BPSPL instigated by us. Neither BKSDA nor BPSPL were inforned about the release.
This case shows once more that fighting for animal rights works! We have taken quite the effort and taken quite time to fight for this case and we are happy that with the help of BKSDA and BPSPL we have been able to change the situation!