On May 9, 2019 a spotted dolphin stranded on Mengiat beach, Bali (code 2). Westerlaken foundation attended the necropsy at the Turtle Conservation and Education Center in Serangan, together with counterparts WWF, Flying Vet and BPSPL.
No plastic was found in the stomach and intestines of the dolphin, quite the opposite the stomach and intestines were empty. Trauma was found on the brain and irregularities were found on the lungs. Likely these caused that the dolphin was unable to catch enough food, resulting in its death.
Westerlaken foundation is actively involved in saving marine mammals and sea turtles in Bali. Westerlaken foundation has a fully equipped Ford Ranger available for emergencies. Sadly many of the found animals passed already. A necropsy tells us more about the causes of death, from which we can learn for the future.
This blogpost is posted under: coastal and marine environment