[Sample : Petitenget Beach Seawater & Batubolong Beach Seawater]

Yayasan Bali Bersih/Westerlaken Foundation on June 21st, 2023 has conducted a seawater laboratory examination in Bali by taking samples from beaches that are crowded with visitors. This week, we focused on examining seawater taken from Petitenget Beach and Batu Bolong Beach.
The purpose of this examination is to determine whether or not there is Escherichia coli bacteria in seawater, which can disrupt marine ecosystems and potentially endanger the health of residents and beach visitors.
According to McCrady (1918) MPN is a statistical method used to estimate the number of viable cells from microorganism like E. coli. When all the Durham tubes are filled with bubbles, the MPN value will be more than 1100. The smaller the MPN value, will affect the reduction of E.coli per 100 ml in a seawater. According to Ministrial Regulation Health of The Republic of Indonesia Number 492 of 2010, the MPN for drinking water must contain 0 (zero) E. coli or the value must be 0 (zero) per 100 ml.
Unfortunately, the results of the examination showed that the seawater on Petitenget Beach and Batu Bolong beach contained E. coli. This can be seen from the presence of bubbles in the durham tube with a MPN of more than 1100 (>1100), which indicates that the two samples were positive for E. coli bacteria.
The content of E. coli in seawater is an indicator of contamination by human waste, especially from domestic waste or feces. The presence of high levels of E. coli may indicate a risk of contamination and spread of disease caused by the bacteria.
By conducting laboratory tests, Yayasan Bali Bersih/Westerlaken Foundation identifying potential health and environmental problems associated with the presence of E. coli in seawater on beaches that are frequently visited. The results of this inspection will provide important information to the authorities and the public regarding the condition of clean sea water in Bali.
Furthermore, by knowing the content of E. coli in seawater, countermeasures and improvements can be taken to minimize health risks and maintain the sustainability of marine ecosystems. This is important to maintain the beauty and sustainability of tourism in Bali and the welfare of the people who live around the coast.
Yayasan Bali Bersih/Westerlaken Foundation is committed to continuing to carry out routine seawater laboratory tests and to run educational programs and environmental hygiene campaigns. By doing so, we hope to create clean, safe and healthy beaches for all visitors and residents in Bali.
This research has also been permitted by the government through research permit number B.30.070/685.E/IZIN-C/DPMPTSP.
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