Every child has the right to be raised by their own parents. This is stated in the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 1 of 2020. But in reality we find children who are due to certain circumstances where they cannot be cared for or live with their parents or family. Most of them live in Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak (LKSA)/ Child Social Welfare Institutions. LKSA is a social organization or social association that carries out the implementation of social welfare for children established by the community, both legal and non-legal entities.1

As an effort to improve children's social welfare services, the Standar Nasional (National Standard Regulation) Pengasuhan Anak (SNPA) for LKSAs have been made and is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 30/HUK/2011. The SNPA is used as a guideline for child social welfare institutions in providing child care. It is emphasized that the best care for children is to stay with their parents or their relatives. Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak is the last option for alternative Children Care Services who cannot be looked after in their own family, relatives, or substitute families.2
Before condering the LKSA as an option, prior to this other options should be considered, namely:2
Parental/ Family Based Support
Parenting by foster parents (fostering)
Child adoption
The transfer of care of the child is temporary. If the parents/ family have the capacity to accept their children back, then the reunification process is carried out. Reunification is the return of a child, who is in the care of a child care institution, to their parents or family with the aim that the child will receive protection, care, and permanent care status.1
Reunification is carried out in the following stages:
Family and/or biological family search
Verification and validation of family and/or biological family data
Assessment by social worker or social welfare personnel
Preparation of family and/or child's biological family for reunification
Handing over of children from foster parents/LKSA to the family and/or biological relatives of the child, which is accompanied by an official report of the handover.
Reunification is expected to be a solution for children to still get the right to have a family and be cared for by their own parents. Every child has the right to feel affection and love for their growth, development and future.
Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2020 [Internet]. Available at: https://jdih.kemsos.go.id/pencarian/www/storage/document/permensos1tahun2020.pdf
Social ministry of the republic Indonesia. National Standards of Care for Child Welfare Institutions [Internet]. 2011. 1-126 pp. Available at: https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/130531/permensos-no-30-tahun-2011