The next village for COVID-19 help is known. Today Shandy Wijaya (Ketua Yayasan Bali Bersih) Putu Wiryawan Paritranaya (Sekretaris Yayasan Bali Bersih) and Rodney Westerlaken (Founder Westerlaken Foundation and Yayasan Bali Bersih) met with the village head of Penatih (Denpasar) to distribute food packages among the underprivileged.
The next step is drawing up lists of people with a poverty indication, elderly, handicapped, families with young children and those that lost their jobs or business due to the COVID-19 crisis. The village head and his staff will make sure that those lists are made as soon as possible.
We will work the same way as we work in Bitera, safety first and the receivers of the packages must be able to identify themselves. For all interested we have a tips and tricks page on our website on how to best deliver aid.
Next week we will start with handing out packages.
