In preparation for the G20 2022 in Bali, on 27-29 January 2022, the mangrove cleanup Aksi Bersih Mangrove in the Denpasar Estuary DAM area was carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity is in collaboration with the KUB Segara Guna Batu Lumbang fishing group and communities in Bali. Westerlaken Foundation/ Yayasan Bali Bersih as one of the invitees also participated in this series of activities. On the first day (27/01), the activity began with a cleanup activity along the mangrove area using a canoe. Of the nearly 100 people who participated in the cleanup, +-930 Kg of garbage was collected, the majority of which was plastic waste. On the second day (28/01), 250 mangrove seedlings were planted at the outer part of the mangrove forest.

The series of Aksi Bersih Mangrove activities were closed on the third day (29/01) by the Deputy Minister of KLHK, marked by the release of fish seeds into the Estuary DAM. As is known, the function of mangrove forests is very important for coastal areas as a barrier to strong winds and sea waves. In addition, mangrove forests function as carbon sinks that are greater than tropical rain forests.