Westerlaken Foundation collaborates with Bali Kids Foundation within the HIV - AIDS Awareness program that aims to educate students from an early age in understanding and preventing the spread of the HIV virus. The HIV / AIDS Awareness program is a continuous program that is conducted in schools in Bali to promote awareness and educate students from 6th grade of elementary school to 9th grade of junior school. We hope that through this program, the stigma against people living with HIV can be removed by receiving correct information about the disease. Our team, consisting of a doctor and a nurse, also provide health services to schools and give education about HIV - AIDS.
The series of activities of this program include health check for students and socialising to promote HIV awareness. We work closely with schools and health centres in all districts in Bali to organise similar activities in both elementary schools and junior schools in Bali.

Coinciding with the commemoration of National Kartini Day (21/04/2022), Westerlaken Foundation and Bali Kids conducted the HIV-AIDS Education program at SMP Negeri 3 Selemadeg Timur, Tabanan Regency.

On Thursday (28/04/2022), Westerlaken Foundation conducted the HIV-AIDS Awareness program at SD Negeri 3 Gadungan, East Selemadeg, Tabanan Regency. This time, the program was given to the sixth graders at SDN 3 Gadungan. We hope that during their transition to puberty and higher education levels, they can be wiser in processing information about HIV-AIDS and having the right information on how to prevent it.
This program, conducted by Westerlaken foundation and Bali Kids, is funded by Neba foundation and Wilde Ganzen