Saturday, December 18, 2021, Beach Clean Up activity was held at Petitenget Beach, Seminyak. This Beach Clean Up started at 8 WITA and ended at 9 WITA. This activity was attended by various parties such as Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Badung, BPSPL Kota Denpasar, Universitas Udayana, and the general public.

Yayasan Bali Bersih and Volunteers
This Beach Clean Up in Petitenget focuses on fishing gear such as fishing nets, fishing gear, and fishing lines. Fishing gear possesses great threat to marine animals. In many cases, marine animals such as whales, dolphins, and sea turtles get caught and die in nets that are being used by fishermen. Discarded and abandoned fishing nets cause just as much damage, killing hundreds upon thousands of marine animals. Fishing nets itself cause cut injury in the body of entangled marine animals, which can lead to slow death, and in the case of marine mammals, entanglement causes difficulty to reach the surface to take a breath. That's what made us focus on cleaning fishing gear at Petitenget Beach.
Based on this activity, fishing nets / plastic ropes / fishing line / other fishing gear have been collected, with a total weight of 95.8 Kg in a 500m long beach area (from the entrance to Petitenget beach, 250m to the left, and 250m to the right).
We would like to thank all those who have helped and contributed to this activity. See you at the next Beach Clean Up activity.